6:30pm - 紅盒子 (PG) (映後有導演座談)9:20pm - 大佛普拉斯 (14A)• TWFF is responsible for operating in compliance with the Motion Picture Act and Consumer Protection BC.• TWFF’s mandate is the encouragement and appreciation of motion pictures as a medium of art, information or education.
10:00am - 美力台灣3D (G) (映後有導演座談)1:30pm - 海闊天空 (G)3:30pm - 老師你會不會回來 (PG)6:00pm - 帶我去月球 (PG)8:30pm - 目擊者 (14A)
2:30pm - 短片集 (映後有導演座談)5:00pm - 最後的詩句 (14A)7:15pm - 巴克力藍的夏天 (G)9:00pm - 阿莉芙 (14A)
6月1日, 2018
5月21日, 2018
6月22日(五) ~ 6月24日(日)期待你的光臨,不要錯過精彩的台灣電影喔!!