Pride Short Films Series

The Priestess Walks Alone

As a priestess, through chants and prayers during the “Soul Guiding” ceremony, director Hui-Chen’s mom helps the dead achieve salvation, but she is bound to her own painful past, unable to free herself. As a filmmaker, using images and sounds that unfold on the screen, the director tells stories for the voiceless, yet she is muted by a shameful secret, afraid to reveal the truth. Even though they are living in the same space, but they are like strangers. Their only exchange is the food her mother makes for her. There are no hellos, no goodbyes, and no “I love you.”

So as one day director Huang summons up the courage to sit her mother down and make her talk.With different mediums, caught between the living and the dead, as the past and present collide, mother and daughter embark on a journey, attempting to find their salvation.

Director: Hui-Chen Huang
Producer: Diana Chiawen Lee, Hou Hsiao-Hsien
Music: Giong Lim
Rating: PG

The Door

There always seems to be a great barrier between teenage girl Yu-Han and her father. Until one day, Yu-Han accidentally learns of her father’s homosexuality. From that moment, she starts to gradually reconcile with her father and redefine the concept of a family.

Director: Yueh-Tzu Sun
Rating: G

The Rose Boy

It wasn’t until a grade 9 boy, Yung-Zhi Yeh, was found dead in the school washroom, that teachers and parents realized he had been bullied in school because of his feminine personality. This sad incident in 2000 triggered the Taiwanese “Gender Equality” movement.

Director: Chi-Jan Hou

June 10 (Saturday) - 5:00pm

Community Partners

Vancouver Queer Film Festival

Cor Flammae